zustand functional updates

zustdnd functional updates that give you access to the previous state like react's useState

November 2, 2024
import { create } from "zustand";

interface OneBear {
  age: number;
  type: "black" | "brown" | "black";
interface BearState {
  bears: OneBear[];
  // just takes in the new value
  setBear: (value: OneBear) => void;
  // takes in a function that will give you access to the previous state
  setBearFunctionally: (value: (prev: OneBear[]) => OneBear) => void;
  // takes in a function that will give you access to the previous state or just a plaain value
  setBearvalueOrFunctionally: (value: (prev: OneBear[]) => OneBear | OneBear) => void;

const useBearStore = create<BearState>()((set) => ({
  bears: [],
  setBear: (value) => set((state) => ({ bears: [...state.bears, value] })),
  setBearFunctionally: (value) => {
    set((state) => {
      return { bears: [...state.bears, value(state.bears)] };
  setBearvalueOrFunctionally: (value) => {
    set((state) => {
      return { bears: [...state.bears, typeof value === "function" ? value(state.bears) : value] };